
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Ubqari Magazine - January 2021


Tie This Amulet on the Arm! See Yourself the Rain of Sustenance and Wealth!!

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, Assalam-o-Alaikum! May Allah shower his blessings on you and your future generations. And may He keep your shadow upon us for a long time. Ameen. Upon your direction and order, a few deeds that I have tested, and a few recipes that I obtained from various people and books, I am sending them for Ubqari. And I pray that these deeds become a source of continuous charity for me and my generations.
Spiritual act no. 1: Allah Almighty says
[وللہ الاسماء الحسنی فادعوہ بھا], meaning that for your needs and necessities call me with My beautiful names. There is a tremendous, powerful spirit hidden in this spiritual act. Knowledgeable people will easily recognize this spirit. Write this amulet in the format of Maslas Khaki in the planetary hour of Jupiter (the planetary hour of Jupiter starts at sunrise on Thursday and remains for an hour) and write [یا رحمن یا رزاق] above the table of the amulet and write [اجب ھشائیل اطلبکم (مقصد) بحق یا رحمن یا رزاق العجل الساعتہ الوحا] below it. After that, recite 606 times [یا رحمن یا رزاق] with durood sharif 11 times at the beginning and end and whatever your purpose is, for its success pray with a lot of concentration and attention and blow on the amulet after reciting it. After that, wrap the amulet in a plastic casing and tie it on the right arm. After this, recite [ا رحمن یا رزاق] abundantly while sitting, standing or walking (at all times). This is an extremely effective spiritual act. Whosoever will achieve the Barakah of this spiritual act, will not need any other act. If possible, keep following this for your whole life. Till the time you will carry it on, the deed and the amulet shall show the effect for 100 percent. The only condition is that the purpose should be legitimate and good. The amulet is as follows:

Talakhus Ilm-ul-Adaad (Numerology) Compilation maulana Noor-ul-Haadi, Nasir Academy Quetta, Scholars’ Accurate Amulets
Fill the previous amulet according to these numbers. Meaning where there is the number ‘1’ written, fill
[الہ العالمین] over there. And like this fill all the column

(This is not an amulet; this is the mapping i.e., the order or method of filling an image or amulet box of the above- mentioned amulet)

Note: The amulets and spiritual acts are from authentic books of friends of Allah, sages, and pious people. They are not from a non-Shariah-compliant source.
Perform Istikhaara from Kashaf Al-Mahjoob! My Special Experience!!
Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, this is a special experience of mine that I am writing about here. One day I was quite upset about something. I could not understand what should I do? The same night I was reading Kashaf al-Mahjoob (revelation of the veiled). At once I thought that this book is a write-up of a complete friend of Allah. And for everyone, equal guidance and direction are present in it. I thought that why should not I try to solve my problem with this. Upon thinking this, I performed ablution. And I sent salutations to Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ) and Hazrat Pir Ali Hajveri, also known as Data Sahib (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ) and after praying with humility, I lifted Kashaf-al-Mahjoob. And I closed my eyes and for a few moments, I thought about my problem and with this belief that when I shall open Kashaf-al-Mahjoob, my eyes shall fall upon the solution of my problem. After imagining this, I recited Bismillah I opened Kashaf-al-Mahjoob and I saw the chapter/ lesson. I read that from the beginning till the end and believe me Hazrat sahib that I jumped up with amazement at once. Because according to the essay the problem that I was facing was due to my own mistake that was revealed to me through the essay. I acted upon that essay at once and by the grace of Allah, that problem was solved. Certainly, this is a wonderful experience that has been extremely useful. And now this is my routine that whenever I have the intention of Istikhaara, then I have Kashaf-al-Mahjoob in my hand. (Muhammad Naveed Ali, Hyderabad)
A Friend Of Allah Told This Prescription To My Mother
Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, Assalam-o-Alaikum! This is a priceless prescription for those children who have the problem of watering eyes, that was told by a friend of Allah to my mother, the prescription is this. 10 grams leaves of tamarind, 10 grams leaves of guava, 10 grams leaves of neem. Grind them and obtain their extract/ essence. Make a small rope of cotton and soak it in this extract and dry it. When it dries fully make a Kajol out of it in mustard oil. Then mix this kajal in Oral Rehydration salt water (NIMKOL). Use it for 15 days. By the grace of Allah, tearing or watery eyes will be cured. It has been tested many times. Please remember in prayers. (Hayaa, Karachi)


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