
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Dynamites of my spiritual life

Ubqari Magazine - January 2013

Dynamites of my spiritual life



I have been concerned with the spiritual practice since a long time ago. I acquired a lot from my practice. I shared it with many people who also benefitted from it. I am giving some of my amliaat in Ubqari for the betterment of Allah’s creature so they may not detract towards the fake aamils.

Astonishing amal for captivating

Surah Qaraish is very effective for captivating or to take stronghold. Recite it daily after fajarprayer. I achieved it from my friend who is a master of making amulets and charms. I experienced it on many people and got 100% results.

For hurdles:

Whenever I face a problem, am troubled or my life is in danger, I recite the last verses of surah Hashr and Dua-e-Anas Bin Malik (RA). I acquired a lot from these verses and supplication. I recite it especially for those matters which are stuck and they solve quickly.

A Christian witch/hag spoke on mobile phone:

Few days ago I received a phone call. There was a lady on the other end who toldme that their patient is under a witch’s spell. She wanted me to meet that girl. I asked her to give the phone receiver to that girl. I started reciting last verses of surah Hashrand Surah Tariq. As soon as I started the recitation, the witch appeared. They had been taking her to different aamils but the witch had never appeared. The witch said that she is Christian. I told her that HazratEssa AS was very soft-hearted. It’s his saying that if someone slaps you then offer the other cheek too. What kind of female are you that you are teasing a Muslim? She said that there was a guava tree in this house which they have chopped off. I asked her whether you shall leave or not? She said that ask the residents to leave this house. When I asked the residents, they said that ok. We are living on rent. We will shift the house. I again started reciting Surah Tariq and the witch ran away.

Method of this amal

Recite Surah Tariq 11times with daroodshareef 11times before and after. These verses can capture any kind of jinn.

For marital love

If the love between spouses is decreasing, or if there are fights at home always and even looking at their faces lead to irritation then recite a tasbeeh of the following, twice a day:

 بسم اللہ الواسع جل جلالہٗ

 It will create ideal love. Even reciting a tasbeeh of the following twice a day is very effective:

یَاحَنَّانُ یَاحَلِیْمُ

When someone is irritating:

If someone is intentionally annoying you then recite Dua-e-Anas(RA) after every prayer taking the name of that person in between. Also recite the following 101 times
اَللّٰھُمَّ اِنَّا نَجْعَلُکَ فِیْ نُحُوْرِھِمْ وَنَعُوْذُبِکَ مِنْ شُرُوْرِ ھِمْ after isha prayers and wave a punch in air. Recite surah Quraish 40 times after fajr prayer and Dua e Anas (RA) 7 times after every prayer. With this, that person will stop annoying you; there will be conflict among them. If this amal is done for any unlawful purpose then you may face loss.

To meet someone in your dreams

If you want to meet someone, your relative or an acquaintance, in your dreams then offer 4 rakat prayers and recite Surah Takasur4 times in eachrakat. Also recite this surah 11 times after every prayer with daroodshareef 5 times before &after and dedicate it to that person. Pray ALLAH to meet that person in your dreams; pray and then sleep. Insha Allah you will definitely meet that person in your dream. Remember that person should be your contact; like your brother, father, a relative or a friend.

A matchless amal for anger:

If somebody in your house wrangles with every one without any reason, be it your husband, young or old. It’s a very simply amal for anger. Recite   اَعُوْذُ بِاللہِ مِنَ الشَّیْطٰنِ الرَّجِیْم  the following 7 times & blow while giving him food. INSHALLAH the fury will fade away and they will stop from fighting.

Protection against evil spirits, magic and theft:

One more amal which is a part of my routine and has excellent results.

Recite daroodshareef, Surah Fatiha,Ayat-ul-kursi,4 qul and then daroodshareef (all once).Make boundary of yourself, your house, your office or any other relevant place for protection. These place will be secure from theft, magic and evil spirits. I own a madressa. It is off on Thursdays and then the students leave for home. I have never locked it but still everything remains safe. There is no theft and Allah bestows protection.

A dum for all kinds of pain:

Once a Pathan came to me for the disease of kidneys.He bought a pearl to me for dum. I asked him to take medicine but he was very persistent. I did so; he used its water and got rid of kidney stone.

This verse can be practiced for any kind of pain i.e. pain in heart etc.:

اَللّٰھُمَّ اَنْتَ الْبَاسِطُ

Female Obstruction for marriages:

An amal from Hazrat Hakeem sahib’s book ‘Surah BaqarahKaAmal’ is very effective for obstructions. Due to the barkat of this amal, marriages are formed and babies are conceived. I told this amal to a lot of people and everyone’s hindrances got cleared from this amal. If somebody’s marriage is delayed because of any obstruction ask the girl to recite Dua-e-Anas RA or the following یا بِسْمِ اللہِ الْوَاسِعُ جَلَّ جَلَالُہ frequently.Insha Allah, she will get married soon in a good home.

A simple wazifa to quit performing sins:

Recite Ayat-e-kareema 313 times twice a day with the intention to give up all the sins. Verse after ayat-e-kareema means that ‘We answered his call, and We removed the distress that was on him and We have promised relief for the believers till the Day of Judgement’ This amal is even for the impossible as it was impossible for HAZRAT YOUNUS (AS) to come out of fish. This verse is a blessing for the ones who are in distress. The condition is a Muslim should have complete faith in Allah.

A particular amal of AYAT KAREEMA for magic and obstructions:

If there is any person around you who is victim of magic, disease or any obstruction, ask him to take a broom of (couch grass) keep this broom under his neck & lie down. Start pulling its stalks one by one and recite AYAT KAREEMA on each stalk, and throw in the fire consecutively. After the completion of this amal, the patient will feel mentally relaxed and healthier. It also cures a person who feels magical effects psychologically.

I want to share that my mother was an expert in spiritual treatment of jaundice; it benefited a lot of people. For patients of hepatitis A, I used to peel off upper husk of couch grass, put some oil in it and turn its fore-end; keep it on the patient & recite a particular supplication. After sometime, its colour will change and the patient will become healthy. I made slight changes in my treatment then. I started doing the following dum& it benefitted every time:

  • DaroodShareef 3 times
  • Surah Fatiha 3 times
  • Ayat al Kursi 3 times
  • DaroodShareef 3 times

Experiences of Surah Kausar

Reciting Surah Kausar frequently is very beneficial for the marital love. Other than this, Surah Kausar is the last remedy for incurable diseases; it is also a challenge for evil spirits. A person who recites it frequently protects himself from many hurdles, problems; enemies and evil spirits’ I have great experiences of Surah Kausar for rizq. Make a small cloth bag, keep your money in it and whenever you take out money or insert money, don’t forget to say Surah Kausar. Inshallah you will never face shortage of money.

METHOD: Recite Surah Kausar 129 times twice a day on that cloth bag without gap; women can complete the amount after menstruation gap.

Supplication for transfer:

A man came to me for his transfer. I asked him to recite Surah Lahab (para 30) 11times, 21times or 41times after ZUHR prayers. It will help you in your transfer; he did this amal for only a week and got transfer orders. Try and remember me in your prayers.

Special amal for hepatitis B & C:

I will share with you a special amal for hepatitis B & C. Take a piece of plain paper or some newspaper; fold and close the joint with candle wax. It will look like a thin stick (batti). Ask the patient to lie down and cover his head with a towel or with any other cloth. Let the ear uncovered. Keep that  paper on that towel, say the following supplication 

بِسْمِ اللہِ مَجْرٖھَا وَمُرْسٰھَا

(supplication for embarking boat / ship),21 times on it; lit fire ,it will start burning until the patient starts feeling the heat. Remove that paper. A yellow dirty substance will start coming out of his ear; so much so that it will fill the whole towel. Practice it for 3 days; if still not recovers, do it another three days for hepatitis B & C. A patient of hepatitis A can also be recovered by this amal but for him we recommend the above mentioned amal. A patient will become healthy in seven days if not, then repeat this amal in the 2nd month in the same way.


Get rid of kidney stone in 2 days.

A man came to me with a stone in bladder. He told me that doctors have suggested surgery for him. He was really disappointed; I told him that I will do your treatment. Can you believe that he followed my prescription only for six days and got rid of it? Allah blessed him health.

Making of medicine:

  • Soda bicarbonate (meethasoda) 1 spoon
  • Potassium bromide 4 ratti
  • Potassium iodide: a grain of rice

It will make one dose; you can also increase the quantity according to the doses. Dissolve it in a glass of water. Glass should be of 1 ½ pao. Take a dose after 1 hour of your meals in morning, afternoon and night. Take it maximum for 6 days.

 A person having stone in his bladder will get rid of it in 2 days and one having stone in kidney will get rid of it in 6 days. I got this prescription by serving for 4 years by an 87 years old Hakeem sahib. He used this medicine throughout his life and now his son is using it. It is very effective for stones; I have removed 9, 9 stones myself.

Special prescription for male and female ailments

  • Resin (raalsufaid) 12 gram
  • Asteecanthe (taalmakhana) 12 gram
  • Andhealine( gondkateera) 12 grams
  • Brown sugar 36 gram brown sugar

Take one dose in the morning, on an empty stomach with milky lassi. You can even add sugar or misri (candy-sugar) in it but brown sugar is much better. I am using it since 13 years. It is also very beneficial for the burning of liver and bladder. It’s also beneficial for Leukorrhea  (likoria) in women and nocturnal ejaculation in men, for urine drops and for ingenuity/acuteness.

When nothing works:

I experienced one medicine in dysentery i.e. gum of silk cotton tree (mocharas), catechue (kathasufaid), elettaria cardamom (ilaichikhurad) take everything 10gms and a bundle of silver leaves. This medicine is very effective in leukorrhagia, dysentery and parsimony abstinence. It is also beneficial for diabetics.

Treatment for diabetes:

A very experienced Hakeem told me that he treats blood sugar patients by LABOOB KABEER AND TAMAR HANDI KALAN.  A diabetic patient can be cured by MUGHALIZAAT. Once i read that old dysentery changes into diabetes. Thus, treatment for both is the same.

For ulcers:

Ulcer means infection in stomach. Gonorrhoea is the name of a wound of urinary tube; urine will go into bladder after going through the stomach. To cure ulcer, use all of the following in the same ratio:

  • Aniseeds (saunf)
  • Liquorice (mulaithi)
  • Turmeric (haldi)
  • Gondkateera
  • Ferrisvlphas (heerakas) 60 grams
  • rahium off (raiwandkhata) 36grms
  • Old gur (jaguery) 12 grams.

Treatment for obstruction of menstruation cycle

Make tablets equal to chick peas of the above mentioned ingredients. Take these tablets with tea (qahwa) of 12 grams raisins and 12 grams of fennel fruit (baadiyaan). Remember not to use milk in these days; you can even fill it in capsules. One can also use this medicine in the menses dates as it will become much more effective.

One more medicine you can use to start menstruation cycle is: one 10.75grams velvotvorm (bairbahooti) and 32.25grams hermal air them in sun for seven days and eat it equal to a rice grain. It will surely start your menstruation cycle.

Treatment of high blood pressure by salt:

It’s true that salt causes high blood pressure, if the same salt is grinded for three days it changes its impressions or effects and this is the last remedy for high blood pressure. According to my observations, the effects or the changes are caused by any kind of movement in anything. The system of universe is due to movement. In the same way salt changes its effects by grinding.

An easy medicine for strength:

Take ¼ litre of milk, boil it whisk it 40 times then have it sip by sip. It will increase the strength, take it for 40 days and you will feel the difference.

For any universal disease

I am giving this very best and priceless gift to the readers of Ubqari. A Hakeem of Delhi gave it to me after a lot of struggle. I also experienced it on many people. There are only three Ingredients of this medicine. Just mix the following:

  • Soda bicarbonate (meethasoda) 5tola/53.75 grams
  • Sugar 20 tola / 250 grams
  • Extract of mint (Sat podina)1 tola / 10.75 grams

Any type of disease related to heart, stomach, liver, gastro, vomit, bladder or any other disease, give this medicine blindly.


 ½ spoon for adults, 3 to 4 times in a day. A pinch for children is enough. It can be given as much as required according to condition. One having problem of urination can use this medicine 10.75grams by mixing 32.25grams of honey. It’s marvellous for weight loss as well as for problems related to change in water due to city/country change. Just use it faithfully and with full confidence Allah will Insha Allah give you unbelievable health.

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