
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Spiritual Recitations of Shah Abdul Khaliq Gajdawni

Ubqari Magazine - December 2013

Before sleeping at night perform ablution. And before sleeping recite aayat-ul-kursi three times and make dum on hands and rub on the whole body. After saying the Isha prayers perform this deed under ablution 100 times. Recite durood sharif 11 times. The deed is.

Safety of Home From Thieves etc

While going to sleep recite this verse and sleep. Even if the thieves come, they would not be able to run away from the house by stealing anything. All the ways will be blocked for him. The verse is.

اللہَ اَوِادْعُوا الرَّحْمٰنَ  اَیًّا مَّا تَدْعُوْا فَلَہُ الْاَسْمَآءُ الْحُسْنٰی وَلَا تَجْہَرْ بِصَلَاتِکَ وَلَاتُخَافِتْ بِہَا وَابْتَغِ بَیْنَ ذٰلِکَ سَبِیْلًا ﴿بنی اسرائیل۱۱۰﴾ 


This istikhaara is very effective. Any person who wants to know the outcome of his activities, that whether a certain activity is favorable for him or not, he/she should perform fresh ablution after the Isha prayers and recite durood sharif thrice before beginning and the end. After this recite surah Fatiha 10 times. After this recite surah Ikhlaas for 1100 times. And then sleep on his/right side on a clean and pure bed, while facing the qibla. InshaAllah he/she will see the end of his activity in a dream. If the interpretation of the dream cannot be understood then ask a religious scholar.

To Remove Ghosts and Jinns from the House

Take a white cloth. Color it with turmeric powder and make 40 strips. Burn one strip daily. Burn it after Isha prayers. This has to be done daily for 40 days without leave. Burn the strips in the room in which you sleep. By the will of Allah, jinns and ghosts will run away.

For Good Marriages of Girls

At times, girls become over-aged in pursuit of finding ideal mates. And then new proposals do not come. Or if they come they are so worse that in such an environment it is impossible for the girl to spend life. In such a situation the anxiety of the parents make them senile long before time. For quick and good marriages of girls this is a very effective deed. Punctuality is a condition. If this is done punctually then, inshaAllah very soon the girl would find a good wedding proposal. The deed is as follows:

The girl herself or her mother, sister, brother or father etc. should do it on every wednesday that they should perform ablution and recite durood sharif 11 times before the beginning and at the end. And then recite surah Yousaf (section 12) and pray for the marriage. Similarly, recite surah Ahzaab (section 21) on Mondays. Perform this deed punctually. Do not take a break. And do it till the time she does not get married. Leave it after the wedding. By the will of Allah she would get married at a nice place.

Safety From All sorts of Magic

These days black magic is quite common. All of this spread due to a weak link with Allah Almighty and his prophet Hazrat Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him). Many people become a victim of this and lose their business, health, respect and job. The relationships of girls either break or they do not happen. Sometimes it so happens that a human being is going, a thing of black magic is lying there. He/she becomes a victim of that. And he starts getting punished for a sin he/she has not done. This deed is very effective for magic. Due to the blessing of this there remains safety from all sorts of problems. The deed is:

Firstly, offer five obligatory prayers in congregation. Women should offer prayers in their homes. Do not take a break in prayers. Neither should they leave the prayers,

After ever obligatory prayer recite aayat-ul-kursi once, surahs Falaq and Naas once each. Make dum on your hands and rub on your whole body. Blow on your chest and make dum.

Before sleeping at night perform ablution. And before sleeping recite aayat-ul-kursi three times and make dum on hands and rub on the whole body. After saying the Isha prayers perform this deed under ablution 100 times. Recite durood sharif 11 times. The deed is:

Ya-Haafiz-o, Ya-Razzaaq-o, Ya-Kareem-o, Ya-Haleem-o, Ya-Naasir-o
یَا حَافِظُ یَارَزَّاقُ یَا کَرِیْمُ یَا حَلِیْمُ یَا نَاصِر  . Due to the blessing of this deed, by the will of Allah, all sorts of magic and spells would lose their effect and you will remain secure.

To Remove Phlegm and Cough

If you have a problem of cough due to phlegm, take 7 balls of rock salt (lahori salt) of the size of chick peas. On every ball make dum of aayat-ul-kursi by reciting it 7 times. Suck one early morning, daily. By the grace of Allah in 7 days you will be redeemed of phlegmy cough.

For acceptance of All Sorts of Prayers

If you face a difficult problem and you have to pray for that, then perform ablution and recite aayat-ul-kursi 313 times and make prayer. Then by the grace of the kalaam of Allah Almighty the prayer would definitely be accepted.

For Heart and Liver and All Sorts of Illnesses

If you have pain in the heart, due to walking slightly if the heart beats fast. If you breath heavily by doing some difficult work. If you have weakness in your liver, or a weak stomach or lungs, in all these conditions the following spiritual deed is very effective. On every Friday after getting free from the Friday prayers, take three plain porcelain-chinaware plates (without designs on them). On ever plate write aayat-ul-kursi once with the extract of saffron blended with rose extract. Then, under ablution, put water in one of the plates on a Friday after Asar prayers and drink that water. Do the same with the second plate on a Monday. And do the same with the third plate on Thursday. By performing this deed without any skips for 3 weeks, by the grace of Allah, the patient will become healthy.



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