
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - December 2013

THE IMPOSSIBLE WAS MADE POSSIBLE - Tahmina Irshad, Rawalpindi.

To make your journey pleasant.

Once some reader of Ubqari wrote that before leaving for a journey and after coming back one must offer two nafls .i read these nafls and they helped greatly in making my trip smooth successful and trouble free. i can say this for sure because I personally  experienced this.

Immense concentration in namaz/salat.

In monthly Ubqari, I once read the many benefits of durud Khizrah. From that day onwards I made this durud part of my daily routine. This helped me greatly. I am a Hafiza and I was starting to forget Quran but after reciting this durud constantly, I began the task of revising Quran and thus learned it easily. Previously I could not retain one rabba but now I can learn one sapara in one day. Also before this I could not concentrate on Quran and salat but now this Durud has helped make my heart find comfort in these things.

Impossible turned possible

I read in ‘Jinnat ka paidiashi doost’ about a particular sort of dua. it told that if after seeing a bird or animal if one read Durud Shareef followed by surah ikhlas 3 times, again followed by durud and then gifted this to the soul of that animal or bird saying that Allah, assign this animal with the task of praying for me, then this would help you in your problems. This helped me greatly such that I was able to visit my imprisoned father after 10 years in Karachi even though it seemed almost impossible.

To face a very moody person.

      Some years back, my friend told me of a tip that helps persuade a very moody person so that he becomes agreeable. Before meeting him or her, one must read Durud Shareef followed by surah faail(read in such a manner that when the word ‘tarmehm’ comes, you say it thrice and then complete the whole surah ending it with durud Shareef again. Inshah Allah this will help make the other person more agreeable to you.

Spiritual cure for fever

I read this cure in some book. You should read durud e Ibrahim before and after surah alm Nashrah, repeating the surah 7 times in such a manner that you tie a knot on a white thread every time you read it once. After making the 7 knots, make the patient wear that thread. My brother was suffering from very high fever and this tip helped cure him.

To bring your sugar level back to normal.

Once I read in Ubqari in ‘Haal e dil’ that to bring down your sugar level one could recite thrice, surah Qadr and thrice surah Kausar and blow on a glass of water and make the patient drink it. My grandmother was in the hospital and her sugar level had risen. The germs kitaen were excessive in her blood. So I did the above mentioned tip. This helped such that even the doctor was surprised at the sudden normalizing of the sugar level. The germs kitaen had reduced from her blood.

Protection from every loss

Recite Durud Shareef before and after the following

Surah fatihah, Ayat ul kursi, Surah kafrun, Ikhlas, Falaq, Nas and draw a boundary around your house, children and business. This will protect all day long if read in the morning and till morning if read in the evening. Inshah Allah.


Ingredients: Tabashir one tola; small illaichi 1 tola; white zeera 1 tola; kanwal doday 2 tola; koza misri 1 tola. Method: Heat kanwal doda on a flat surface, peel it and extract its inner part. Add rest of the ingredients and grind it into a powder. Take half teaspoon in the morning, afternoon and evening with water. Inshah Allah this will benefit you. Also give more charity and be kind towards others.

CURE FOR LOOSE MOTION - Sumera Asif; Rawalpindi

If a child gets loose motion due to acidity while teething or due to the hot weather, then take green cardamom and boil them in 2 cups of water until the water decreases to 1 cup. This becomes a tea. By drinking this, motions are cured and discomfort is eased.

To cure vomiting

If a child suffers from vomiting then tie his arms with a cloth or ribbon and his vomiting would stop quickly.

Cure for a throat inflammation:

If your throat hurts so much that even heavy medicines do not seem to work then use a sherbet of imli and aloo bukhara. Inshah Allah this will greatly help.

Highly successful tip to cure cough – P. Sh; Attock

Respected hakeem sahib. Assalam o Alaikum. I read in monthly Ubqari once about a tip to get rid of cough, which mentioned the use of honey and ginger water in equal quantities. I tried this to treat my cough & found it effective. Jazak Allah Ubqari.

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