
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Miracles of Afahasibtum and Azaan

Ubqari Magazine - October 2014

(Rakhshanda Yaasmeen)

Respected hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! The tale of my torments and pain is long. When I look towards my past it haunts me. I had anxiety of the heart from the early childhood. When ever I would go towards an Islamic book or prayers my health would become worse. I would vomit, the heart would burn, head ache, storage state. Sometimes it used to appear as if someone is squeezing my throat at night. I would scream and wake up. The whole family was perplexed due to this. Thus, there was no peace of mind. My father was in Italy and mother was in Pakistan. I stayed with my father for some time in Italy. Then I came back to Pakistan. My father had me married. My husband was settled in Spain. I went to Spain. Thus, more mountains of problems broke upon me. I was already a patient. After 10 days of my marriage a quarrel started between myself and my father. He sent me back to Italy. My elder daughter was born in Italy. After nine months I went back to Spain. And the same disputes and complaints started. After two months I went back to Italy. During this time I developed a perpetual pain. During this time my second daughter was born. The process of vomiting continued. I went to many doctors in Italy. I had my whole body tested. They could not diagnose anything. Then we had treatment in Spain. Over there as well a whole team of doctors had tests of the whole body. Any illness could not be found. At last theta declared me as mentally ill and at last I was sent to Pakistan for spiritual treatment. First of all I was taken to a woman who was on Sargodha road. This woman had a strange behavior. She was quite frightening. I could not understand at all that what was the story? She gave a cup of water for 200 rupees and asked to drink it. She asked to burn amulets but there was no benefit. After this there was some Mufti sahib, we went to him and gave him rs. 500. He gave amulets but to no avail. Then there was a woman in Dinga. We went to him. SHe took Rs. 15,000. She said that it was black magic. And that if treatment was not taken from her I would become mad. We started treatment with her. When the woman came to know that the husband is in Spain and the brothers are in Italy she started asking for extravagant things. She asked for mobiles, perfumes, but to no avail. The same anxiety, pains, fear, phobias, vomiting, weighting for death all the time in the bed. Then my cosign told me about a sage. He started my treatment. We gave him almost Rs 16,000 and to burn amulets and to drink but to no benefit.

Then they took me back to Italy. My husband would become very angry with me. When he used to fight with me, he used to beat himself. In the same way the life was passing with fights and with the bed. I came back to Pakistan a year ago. My treatment started again. They took me to a practitioner of Mandi Bahawal Din. He took Rs. 2000 and made dum. He gave amulets but to no avail. When we tild him that it was useless, he said that I would come home and do the recitation. We hardly got rid of him. After that they took me to a village I do not remember the name. About whatever we were told we wnt there in the hope of getting cured. He also took money and scared a lot that my husband is ill and to not to go to him and that if I went to him, I would become mad. But despite treatment my state kept on deteriorating day by day and our illness crossed all limits.

From Jalal Pur Jattaan to Taanda road, there is a village. A practitioner lives there. We started cure with him, but to no effect. Then we went to him again. He took Rs. 20,000. And then he used to ring himself that I am doing your job. And that I perform the deeds while staying awake at nights. come out of the house and take an amulet of Rs. 22,000. I refused. He gave the amulet to the neighbors. He asked for money by ringing. And then gave an amulet of Rs. 2,000 and said to take a shower by mixing this in water. The time in which I kept on getting treating from that practitioner, I developed fear and hatred of everything. I would like to scream but my throat would not be able to make a voice. My state was such that I could not tell anyone about that.

When I started getting treated from (w) it used to happen so for the whole night that I am watching a dream that someone has squeezed my throat and is sexually molesting me, but I 

I used to feel that someone is in my room but never used to see them.  Some would use the strength on me. It continues for several days. Every night I used to lock all windows and doors at night but same thing would happen to me.  Then eventually I started seeing this person’s face. This was the same Aamil from Tanda Road. All this would happen to me in the dream; however I felt the pain in real as if it had actually happened to me.  I used to cry all night and wished I was fine to spend time with my daughters.  Then one fine day, my brother in law came to Pakistan, he had bought Ubqari Magazine for me and told my sister that this magazine is a gift to me and it will cure all my problems. Me and my sister read this magazine and read about the miracles of Afahasibtum and Azan. We both started doing this amal. 7 times Azan and 7 times the last 4 verses of Surah Mominon with Durood Sharif  7 times in the beginning and end. This should be blown in the right ear and then in the left ear. I saw a drean that we are in a marriage ceremony. Someone comes and tells me that whoever has done wrong with me has met an accident.  My condition started getting better after that. I was unable to pray but now I can pray five times with full concentration and without any disturbance.  I am now using Ubqari Medicines. Whenever I do this amal, I see all those aamil to whom I went are upset and crying in front o me and asking me what am I doing this to them. Respected Hakim Sahab, may Allah give you long life , success and happiness. Your mentioned amal has saved me from those evil aamils


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