
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Special syrup for Asthma and Cough

Ubqari Magazine - October 2014

Get over from pimples and face allergic.

(Hakeem Riaz Hussain, Makarwaal)

Respected Hakim Sahab, hope you are fine and busy serving other people. May Allah accept your struggle to serve humanity. I have two remedies for allergic. I will first state the one that I got from one of my teacher. Also I need to share my experience on a remedy that was posted in ubqari regarding Eczema, viral infection and rashes.

Remedy No 1:

Dry mint – 80 gms, black seed – 20 gms, Sarphoka 40 gms, Nagaseer 100 gms.

Grind them all together. Take half spoon of this mixture before meal with water for 20 days. Also apply black seed oil on effected area. InshAllah the allergy/rashes will be cured

Monthly ubqari file 2, magazine number 17, page 17, 22


Zinc oxide, boric acid, Salicylic acid 20 gms each. Gandakh Amla 100 gms, Carbolic acid 5 gms, Vaseline 200 gms. Mix them all. Apply a little of this cream on your body. This cream has treated the toughest type of allergic. One patient who had severe allergy and was fed-up of all sorts of treatment. But none of them has cured his problem. All night he spent in rubbing his body due to allergy. The above mentioned cream has cured him as if the allergic never existed. One girl child was suffering from Psoriasis on her legs. She was also treated with this remedy.

Cure for face pimples:

I always see youngsters suffering from pimples all over their face. They apply different creams and soap to treat their pimples. But in result, it spoils their face. The below mentioned remedy will make their skin clear. One student used to buy this medicine from me on regular basis. He told me that other people are also interested for it as the medicine has treated all his pimples.  This cream is one of the most sold creams by me. I supply this medicine to one of the store also. The store keeper has informed me that this is very effective in treating rashes, allergy and Psoriasis.

Syrup for treating asthma and cough.

(Muhammad Saleem Shehzad, Dunya Pur)

Respected hakim sahib. Assalamualikum, may Allah keep you happy so that you can continue serving mankind. I am a regular reader of ubqari and I really appreciate its organization. I have some remedies to share which has benefited lots of people. I am gifting these remedies to the readers of ubqari.

Special syrup:

Goda Amaltas – 100 gms

Anaab – 100 gms

Malathi – 50 gms

Honey – 1 kilo

Water – 1 and half kilo

Amrat Dhara – 2 tola.

Method of making Amarat Dhara: (Mint 1 tola, Ajwaein  1 tola, kafoor 2 tola)

Method: boil the three ingredients in 1 and a half kilo water. Sieve when the water remains only one cup in the sieved water add honey and heat on slow frame until water evaporates. And honey is left behind. Now save it in a bottle when cooled down. Add Amrat dhara – 2 tola.

Amount of medicine:  take 2 spoons in the morning and in the evening. Cough, chest infection, throat infection and asthma can be treated with it. Make it and use it. Also remember hakim sahib and me in your prayers.

The sweet cure of sour syrup:

Strengthens the stomach, treats constipation, increases blood platelets, whitens the skin, treats the pimples, wrinkles, and freckles.




barg – e- baqain,

charaita nepali


mandi boti

nar kachoor



jal neem


sandal white

aflatseen dhama

barham dandi

sir phooka






Take 20 gms of each of the aove mentioned

Tarphala – 20 gms

Patrifolaad – 50 gms


Dip all the above in 10 kilo water over night. Boil in the morning till it remains half. Then sieve it and filter out the water. Add 4 kg sugar in the water.

Amount of medicine: add 2-4 spoons of this syrup in half glass of water and drink it. It is beneficial for hepatitis, liver problems.

Solution of all problems:

Whenever I face any problem, I read Durood ibrahimi 1000 times, and with the grace of Allah , all problems are solved with in no time.

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