
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Late goldsmith’s spoiled children

Ubqari Magazine - March 2016

All the time she is lost in her mobile, listens to music or watches movies on the TV. No prayer, no zikr or Quran because ever since the childhood they never saw their parents doing any of these or asking them to do so.

Respected Hakim Sahib, Assalam Alaikum! Today I am sharing such an anguishing account with the Ubqari readers that will surely be a lesson for everyone. The incident follows a goldsmith who lived in our street. His business was going well but he never offered prayers, nor did he keep fasts neither he remembered Allah. He used to show off all the time and robbed people with both hands. MashaAllah, he was married and had five children including four daughters and one son. Neither he himself ever tried to learn about religion nor did he bring up his children on these lines. Rather he awarded his children with up to date fashions, mobiles, laptops and internet connection. He died three years ago. He was my close relative. Now I will tell you the circumstances of his real assets, I mean his children. Following is the condition of his children after his death:

His eldest daughter is married. Her domestic issues are so critical that it trembles my hand to write it. Many times her in-laws drove her out of their house. She got married in the upper class with all pomp and show. She spends eight months of the year with her parents and barely four months with her husband. The second daughter is twenty two years old, she has done masters. For past few years, she has an affair with a boy four years younger to her, who is still studying. There are many marriage proposals but she refuses all in her fantasy. This is the reason that her mother is extremely distressed. If someone comes with proposal, she herself rejects them.

Third daughter is just nineteen years old. She discontinued her education after metric and remains free. All the time she is lost in her mobile, listens to music or watches movies on the TV. No prayer, no zikr or Quran because ever since the childhood they never saw their parents doing any of these or asking them to do so. She has friendship with many boys on mobile and now days she is fully “enjoying” without any restraints. Fourth daughter is just seventeen years old and she is very pretty. She always keeps two mobiles and has quit studies after eighth grade. She is very arrogant and stubborn and always gets things her way. She is in love with a neighborhood boy and announces her love before everyone. The boy is the eldest in his family and has four sisters. However, the proposal was sent but his family said that first they will marry his sisters and then it will be his turn.

Now I come to the goldsmith’s son, the apple of his parents’ eye. He runs his jeweler shop, shows off like his father and pretends to be very wealthy. He spends almost ten thousand rupees daily in pleasures. His mother is extremely worried as he is very rebellious and extravagant. He is often after girls, few days back he himself told his mother that he spends nights with prostitutes. All the children are lost in their world. Their mother often comes to me and regrets that had she given religious education to them as well, it could have avoided the hopeless situation.  (Shazia Kulsoom, Karachi)

All the time she is lost in her mobile, listens to music or watches movies on the TV. No prayer, no zikr or Quran because ever since the childhood they never saw their parents doing any of these or asking them to do so.

Respected Hakim Sahib, Assalam Alaikum! Today I am sharing such an anguishing account with the Ubqari readers that will surely be a lesson for everyone. The incident follows a goldsmith who lived in our street. His business was going well but he never offered prayers, nor did he keep fasts neither he remembered Allah. He used to show off all the time and robbed people with both hands. MashaAllah, he was married and had five children including four daughters and one son. Neither he himself ever tried to learn about religion nor did he bring up his children on these lines. Rather he awarded his children with up to date fashions, mobiles, laptops and internet connection. He died three years ago. He was my close relative. Now I will tell you the circumstances of his real assets, I mean his children. Following is the condition of his children after his death:

His eldest daughter is married. Her domestic issues are so critical that it trembles my hand to write it. Many times her in-laws drove her out of their house. She got married in the upper class with all pomp and show. She spends eight months of the year with her parents and barely four months with her husband. The second daughter is twenty two years old, she has done masters. For past few years, she has an affair with a boy four years younger to her, who is still studying. There are many marriage proposals but she refuses all in her fantasy. This is the reason that her mother is extremely distressed. If someone comes with proposal, she herself rejects them.

Third daughter is just nineteen years old. She discontinued her education after metric and remains free. All the time she is lost in her mobile, listens to music or watches movies on the TV. No prayer, no zikr or Quran because ever since the childhood they never saw their parents doing any of these or asking them to do so. She has friendship with many boys on mobile and now days she is fully “enjoying” without any restraints. Fourth daughter is just seventeen years old and she is very pretty. She always keeps two mobiles and has quit studies after eighth grade. She is very arrogant and stubborn and always gets things her way. She is in love with a neighborhood boy and announces her love before everyone. The boy is the eldest in his family and has four sisters. However, the proposal was sent but his family said that first they will marry his sisters and then it will be his turn.

Now I come to the goldsmith’s son, the apple of his parents’ eye. He runs his jeweler shop, shows off like his father and pretends to be very wealthy. He spends almost ten thousand rupees daily in pleasures. His mother is extremely worried as he is very rebellious and extravagant. He is often after girls, few days back he himself told his mother that he spends nights with prostitutes. All the children are lost in their world. Their mother often comes to me and regrets that had she given religious education to them as well, it could have avoided the hopeless situation.  (Shazia Kulsoom, Karachi)

He should die with dignity

It’s the nature’s law, an inevitable reality that ever soul has to meet its end. All those who are alive at the moment will eventually die to be buried deep under. But human being is not ready to accept this reality and if he realizes, it’s too late! Man cannot overcome his instinct of pride, arrogance and superiority over others throughout his life. He becomes so oblivious that he wants pride even while dying. People don’t even let off death to show their wealth. Hashmi sahib narrated that his father was admitted in CMH, there was some influential person admitted over there. According to doctors’ diagnoses, his cancer was at the last stage. The doctors declared that he would last for few days only so take him home. But his family was insisting that he should die in the hospital. While it was going on, the patient’s son-in-law who was a high-ranked officer came there. He was also informed of the situation. A little while later, he was talking to the doctor in very loud tone, he was arguing and insisting to open the VIP room that was authorized for only one very important person and shift the patient to that room. So that when relatives would attend him in the last moments, may get impressed. Above all, even if the patient is dying, “he should die with dignity”. One is left to ponder that they are not worried for the hereafter that what would happen of the test in the grave. Instead, they are more worried of a dignified death. I wish we also become equally concerned for the hereafter.

(Sayyed Wajid Hussain Bukhari, Ahmedpur Sherqia)

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