
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Women ask?

Ubqari Magazine - September 2016

Hair under Chin:

Hairs that are too large and appear under my chin. Doctor says this is due to hormone problem before that my face was clear, and colour is also clear. Please let me know which drug that would clear my face and chin hair forever (I I Lahore).

Advice: Often there is an abundance of hair on other parts of the face; neck and body Doctor says it’s caused by hormones, get treatment of hormones also buy fine grinded powder of Qist Shireen, after removing of hair apply this powder to the pores thoroughly and apply every other day after removing hairs.


Result has upset me:

Some time ago I read Ubqari and I like the most. I thought why not I ask in ‘Women Ask’ explained my problem and I'll get out of your advice. I am a student of Bachelors I am very good at learning from start "Since my mother was a teacher so all the siblings are very good at learning. My problem is that Alhamdullilah! I am considering being very intelligent student in the class but when I give any exam I never get the result up to the mark. I always do full exam but I don’t know why my result appears to be very bad. It was happening from 9th class with me. Kindly advice. (A daughter)

Advice: You have not written about your health. If health is weak mind is also weak. Give your attention to food. Dip eleven almonds and a spoon of raisins into a bowl at night and in the morning eat all almonds and raisins with a cup of milk everyday also try to eat green vegetables daily. Must offer fajar prayer and recite surah Jummah once after your prayer. You will be surprised that you will remember your lesson. You will feel refreshed by offering your whole day prayers. For good examination results recite once surah qalam and blow it on your pen before going for tests. Your mother should do some charity every month for the children because ugly look is legitimate.


Swollen stomach mouth:

My problem is that I feel swelling, inflammation of the stomach mouth; it seems that a stone is lying on my stomach due to which I feel pain. Breathing is difficult. Rapid heartbeat and dizziness are also covered. I also took treatment but all in vain. (maha Lahore).

Advice! Woman: you must take at least 10 glass of water daily and better if you take first time in the morning, avoid hot and sour things. Get THANDI MURAD from ubqari office and take 1 spoon in morning, afternoon and night. InshaAllah you will get great benefit. Eat plenty of green salads and avoid beef and sour things.


Granddaughter problem:

My granddaughter is almost three years old; it vomits in fifteen minutes if take milk or any solid thing. First, eating is a big problem, if eat something the digestive system does not accept anything and she vomits immediately. Doctors say there is inflammation in the intestines.(M,J Rawalpindi)

Advice: If inappropriate diet given to children from the start, it gives detrimental to their body, due to which child suffer. Give lighter diet to your child like porridge or blend banana with yogurt and give 2 or 3 spoons. Take fully prepared guava and feed its one or half piece with black pepper daily. In addition I am writing a successful treatment I am sure it will benefit your child. . Healer: fennel, anjbar, makes harad black powder with equal weight. Give a quarter teaspoon three to four times a day to the child. Use frequently for some period.

Relieve constipation:

My mother had been suffering from disease of constipation for the past five years and took enough drugs to get rid of this disease but all in vain. My mother's skin is becoming dry, and she cannot eat anything at all, especially bread or eat a heavy meal. There is also very discomfort and irritation in the stomach. (A,a Karachi).

Advice: Drink four glasses of water a day from the morning. After finishing the prayer and reciting take a slight breakfast. Do not eat Parathas, kebab, burger and samosas. Must take Cucumber, tomato salads in the lunch. By eating 7 dried plums in night will cure the taste of the mouth. She will feel hunger and her liver will also reform. Acne will be clear from face. Drink plenty of water. 12 to 13 glass of water is necessary for you. Use flour with filter, Eat guava with seeds lemon juice on it. If you find a jam of harad it’s also useful. Take 20 seed of currants and dip in half a cup of water, eat all in the morning and continue this treatment for some time.

Eid ul Azha is near, learn to prepare siri and payy: 

Found a way to cook siri and payy. (Mrs. Arif)

Advice sister: cook Payy is an art. I tell you the way I cook payy at home; InshaAllah your family will appreciate it. Ingredients: Take two roasted payy, clean them and make pieces and take 2 cups of yogurt, a table spoon of grinded red pepper, 2 and half table spoon of crushed coriander, half tablespoon of turmeric, a table spoon of grinded ginger and garlic, a tablespoon of crushed spices, 2 lemons, A knit of finely chopped green coriander, four green pepper finely chopped, Two large block chopped onion, salt at taste, Two glasses of good quality ghee. Compound: wash all payy thoroughly and take Dixie filled with half of water. Put payy and place two ingots of garlic in it and put to boil. Let it to boil approximately six to seven hours, after when it properly rot throw out all big bones. Remove the meat and set aside small bones, place broth in a pot. In same Dixie pour some ghee and cook onion to brown. Take out brown onions and grind it. Yogurt mixed with spices and onions pour all in ghee. Fry it then put payy and its broth all together and put the dixie on light fire. When ghee floats up, payy is ready, Remove the spices and lemon juice from upper layer, more you give time on light fire more payy will be delicious.


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