
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Deed to accomplish buried wishes of heart

Ubqari Magazine - September 2016

A whole book on benefits of [یا قھار]

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahab Assalamoalaikum! I am an avid reader of your monthly Ubqari from quite some time and have gained lots of benefits from the medicines and wazaif provided by you. I pray a lot for you that you have made this magazine a continuous contribution for every one to take benefit from. From the various wazaif given by you , I have obtained special benefits from [یا قھار]. This name has blessed me so much that if I start, I could write a book. To sum it up, I have gained so many benefits from Ubqari especially blessed from Allama Lahooti Pur Asrari’s given work. I am forever thankful to you and keep praying for you. For molar and toothache: I have a wazifa to cure toothache which has benefitted numerous people including me. Hold the molar or tooth which is hurting and say these words at least seven times “ moosa kamyab shood, foraun gharq shood” InshaAllah doing this for a some times will completely end the toothache. (Mrs. Jeelani, Bahawalpur)


Deed for obtaining peace and respect in In-laws:

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahab, assalamoalaikum! I read Ubqari magazine very keenly every month and especially your article “state of the heart” and Allama Lahooti Pur Asrari Sahab’s series on “ Jinn’s friend by birth” is read with a lot of passion. Wazaif present in these series have solved a lot of our problems. I am sending an incident in this context, maybe someone acts upon it and it becomes a source of continuous charity for me. I tested the famous wazifa [یا قھار] on my sister. My sister had been married for two years out of which she barely stayed with her in law’s for six months, even both of her children were born when she was with us. The in law’s didn’t respect her. If she went to there, they wouldn’t let her live with them. My sister and our family members recited [یا قھار] extensively. My brother in law and his mother came themselves and took her. Alhamdulillah now she respected and is happy in her home. May Allah keep her and all daughters and sisters happy and respected in their respective homes, Ameen Sum Ameen. ( Javed Iqbal, Jhang Saddar)

Deed to accomplish buried wishes of heart

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahab, Assalamoalaikum! I have been reading Ubqari for almost four years now. I was so hopeless from my health and problems that I used to think numerous times about suicide but used to stop myself because of it being an unlawful way to die and the fact that I could not achieve anything in this life why spoil my hereafter too. I am so thankful to you that through Ubqari you gave me a new ray of hope to live. In one of the editions of Ubqari’s  magazine, there was an article by Allama Lahooti Pur Asrari’s “ Jinn’s friend by birth” which had a deed that you have to recite the last verse from Surah Tauba imagining yourself sitting in Medina on the place of “ Ashaab as Suffa”. Because of this two of my works were done simultaneously, one was my years old wish to perform umrah in ramadan and the other one was to meet Hazrat Hakeem Sahab. Alhamdulillah! Both of these wants were met by reciting these verses. After that another benefit it had to me was that I used to have fits for a number of times during the day, and they were increasing day by day. When I met you after an appointment, you told me that there are a lot of satanic effects, I came with my husband to you and you especially instructed my husband to read it too, whatever wazaif you gave me, im reading all of them thoroughly by heart and cried and prayed a lot while prostrating. I went to a lot of amils before you but these issues and fits kept increasing. After meeting you I realized that if it were not for people like you in this world, tha rate of suicide would have been very high. You have scarcity of time, yet it is a huge favor from your side that you take time out for us, prayers come for you from the heart. May Allah give so much blessing in your time that whoever wants to meet you can do so. Amen. (N,K)

Termination of mice, crickets, bugs and insects from home:

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, Assalamoalaikum! I read your magazine and lectures very interestingly. There were two small mice in our kitchen that used to spoil everything. We kept tablets and stuff, but they didn’t die. Then I recited Surah Maun loudly for seven days, apart from that whenenver I used to work in the kitchen I recited the wazifa [یا قھار] given by Allama Lahooti Pur Asrari. Once I was working in the kitchen and the mouse was roaming around so I closed the door and all the holes, and by Allah’s will I caught that mouse by hand, that’s how I got rid of it. I kept reciting [یا قھار] until the other mouse was caught in the same way. After that there used to be a lot of flies, insects, bugs and crickets in the kitchen, for them too I recited       [یا قھار] and the kitchen got cleared of them too.

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