Respected Hakeem sahib! Asslam O alikum! I am reading monthly ubqari from last some months. I got a lot from it. Whenever there is a problem in our house ubqari digests are consulted first of all. I we find the remedy of every medical and spiritual remedy of our problem in it. Now I tell other as well and get benefit. Especially what I get to success in exams now I am going to tell here:
Recite this Drood e Pak times daily between the time of asar and magrib prayer, do not miss any day, and then pray deeply for the success in exams. And on the day of exam recite this verse (
) in between the Drood e Pak 9 times and then pray for success. Reciteیَارَافِعُ100 times and one time each sora Yaseen and sora Qalam, and dham on the ink, recite 3 times sora اعلٰی, must give charity before going for paper. Keep on reciting the Drood e pak in the way while going for paper. Recite Ayat Ul Kursi after reaching in the examination room, recite 7 times this verse (
) before starting the paper. Reciting this before starting will make the answer easy. After the solving the paper recite one time this verse
﴾) and blow on paper. Then recite Ayat ul Kursi and entrust it to Allah. After finishing the paper and coming back must recite 2 nawafil of thankfulness and recite یَاحَسِیْبُ after the finishing of exams and recite it for 3 days, 4 thousand times on day 1 and days 2 and recite 3 thousand times on 3rd day. Except this recite 786 times ﷽ after fajar. And furthermore recite for the success recite Anmol Kahzana # 1 after every prayer and recite Anmol Khzana# 2 after Fajar10 times. And recite this verse (
100 times. Recite 33 times this verse (
) after every prayer and in between the witar of Isha and nawafil recite 333 times, and recite 3 times Drood e pak in start and at end. Then recite this verse (
)) after Isha 1000 times, only for one day.
Furthermore, recite sora Rehman 11 times with 11 times drood e pak for 11 days, and recite 12000 times بَسْمِ اللہ ِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحِیْم after Isha for the success in exams. Recite this verse ) 7 times every prayer with drood e pak at both ends. Hard work is also very important for the success. Recite the verse number 31 and 32 of sora Baqara 7 times with 11 times drood e pak at start and at end, after fajar on the day of result.