
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

State of the Heart

Ubqari Magazine - January 2020

From the Pen of the Editor

State of the Heart

What I saw, heard and Thought

Meeting the Relatives Removed a Loan worth Millions


There Was a Time When I Was a Millionaire and a Successful Businessman

A person came to me around 3.5 years ago. He was disturbed, the dress and the countenance was ruined. Hair was astray, every inch of his body, all the state of his body, and every part of his body was scattered. And it was telling a strange tale of pain, disturbance, turmoil, difficulties. The person said: There was a time when I had cars, factories, oil mills, plots, lands, tractors, motor cycles, deras, havelis, wealth, gold, diamond and no matter what I had. I had connections with strong people. Upon my one phone call things would start moving. And impossible would become possible. I had happiness; I had affluence, serenity, wealth, respect, authority, government. If I would become happy for a while, doctors would come to my house walking. They would bring their machines too. I would see every impossible thing converting into a possibility. I saw every impossibility to be improving and possible with wealth, connections, money and things. Circumstances never worried me. Sometimes even if I would have difficulties, worries, pains, problems, turmoil’s, and then I would call me friends, it would create a shadow. I had connections in every department. The biggest officers were my friends. Because parties, lunches, gifts and wealth would often be received by them.

The Most Dangerous Decision of My Life

In other words, “the mouth eats and the eye shies”, thus this was the state. A close friend gave me a suggestion that on so and so place a big mill is being sold, you should buy it. A Memon of Karachi was transferring his wealth offshore. He wanted to sell the mill. I did not have enough money. He said: I shall arrange a huge loan from the bank for you. It is your circle, you should get rid of it. Initially I refrained from it, but then upon his saying I took it. That was the most dangerous day of my life and the worst decision. And how did I make that decision? And how did it happen? So the doom began and that thing started removing. Things started being sold. As if something was coming, I would not know that. How did the affairs come, I could not understand, how did the things go, I could not understand. Friendships, connections, love, everything abandoned me. A few people blocked my number. Circumstances forced me to think about suicide. And I became engulfed in poverty. Mountains of problems broke loose upon me. I became diabetic at once. And the blood pressure started increasing. The sleep of my night vanished. Peace of the day vanished. Happiness and bliss vanished. My life became void of bliss. Turmoil, pain and problems engulfed me. Someone said it is magic. Someone said it is jinns. I tried to have that solved as well. But whatever was the reality, it was the adversity of my sins and usury. Wealth and money sidelined me from Allah and His Prophet (ﷺ). I had considered wealth and money, world, things and authority everything in my life and I was lost in all of this. So this was my biggest mistake and my largest loss. This mistake and loss left me worth nothing. So much so that I transferred to a colony of poor people and rented a flat over there. I was living in obscurity over there. I was hiding from everyone. Lenders were trying to find me. I could not sell a few things. And people had gotten hold of a few things.

You and I Are Meeting After 21 Years

I tried a lot but my circumstances could not improve. But once my very close friend whom I had abandoned intentionally for decades. Because he was my class fellow from beginning. He was a mediocre. I had become wealthy. Due to my wealth he and I were not equal, because I was so high and above him. That close friend of mine came to me. He brought a few gifts. I was ashamed. But he did not let me feel ashamed. Then he told his story. He said, you and me are meeting after 21 years. You did not ask me what happened with me. Whatever is your situation is mine as well. Perhaps more than that was my situation. I also tried but nothing happened. A poor sage told me this prescription that keep meeting with your poor relatives, and visit them often. It is not necessary that you spend a lot of wealth and money. If the pocket allows, take a small gift. If it does not allow then take a few sweet words. If you cannot go, ask about their well-being on phone and ask about their well-being. Then my friend looked at me while smiling and said, “Have you listened to that Hadith of Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ) in which he (ﷺ) said that with reconciliation of relatives, age increases, wealth increases, and a human being is saved from bad death. Loans, illnesses, the doom of giving and taking, what would be a bad death than this? Thus I started acting on this Hadith. Those relatives whom I had never cared about, I started asking about them. Initially they thought that he wants to beg money or fund or is needy because I had never cared about them till today.  After a few years, his idea and thought there was a vision produced as it is without any need.  I used to respect them, used to praise them, used to return without eating at their place. I used to get some present for them. Even if I couldn’t go over there then I used to call my relatives.  I effort and struggle but along with that I did wazifa of favouring others.  I had complete 100% belief and faith in God and Prophet PBUH promises. So it happened and it was supposed to happen. My debts were removed, situation kept on getting better. All the happiness which had turned away from me returned and embraced me. Debts in amount of millions were removed. Now I am a satisfied businessman and due to my charity free meals were served. My friend I found out about your situation so I came to tell this act 

That person started to say I was listening to him then in the moment I realized that why don’t I try this gimmick. Now after three years that person is siting opposite me. Now listen from him.  Since I have tried this gimmick of doing favour to others and kept on going with consistency and persistence. Kept on going and my situation became better.  In my life happiness, lavish lifestyle, relaxation and peace increased and got better in such a way that I am satisfied. Readers I was looking at his face that what was his situation three and a half years back and how they changed until now. His story is very detailed and spread I have written it in every short way.  My heart has said this that even if today is in bad situation and broken, shattered, compresses, stuck in debts, tensions issues magic genies hurdles than let this gimmick sink in your heart and soul and work with consistency. Yes do not leave after 2 or 4 days.

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