
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Jinnaat ka pidayishi dost (a born friend of jines)

Ubqari Magazine - November 2020


Taught your children morality: recite YA QUDUSU یا قدوس eleven hundred times on a Friday once in a month and blow it on water and make drink that water to create good morals among your children.


(Allama Lahooti Purisrari)

(Biographic series episode no 131)


Jinnaat ka pidayishi dost (a born friend of jines)

 Autobiography of a person who is by birth in the patronage of saint jinns’ whose days and nights have passed with jins. On the reader’s demand these true amazing and interesting secrets have been published but there must be a great courage and knowledge. To understand this mysterious world.


The grip of unseen/mysterious forces:

Whenever if you have a chance to travel of mountains, deserts, remember an observation throughout your life that you must never forgot to, you can get lost there, you may get lost of your destination. You can save your life because so many mysterious powers and forces would be there to destroy your life. If you are going to any of your friend and beloved one but you cannot realize that how many unseen forces would have been gripped you, it is not necessary that wherever do you live you may healthy and energetic it is not necessary that wherever do you live you may prosperous because unseen/ paranormal forces can affect you everywhere.


Take these secrets to your heart:

I have learnt from the experience of my life spent with jins/unseen forces that sometimes they themselves tease you. You may not tease them, even you cannot see them how can you tease them? But it is not necessary that they may not tease you. Because if you want to live secure and satisfied life ever then you may hold a trick/ secret, that if you experience any of unseen/paranormal force around you in any way so don’t say anything bad/evil, abusive, threatening to them. Don’t  be harsh with them, I have seen so many agents who can force them strictly to work, these are just a few people who do so everyone cannot do so, everyone must not do that and not everyone can do that.


You may encounter with unseen forces:

The reason is this that you may encounter so many times in your life with unseen forces, that even you may not know, you cannot see them even though you may not realize that they are sitting with you, eating with you, in whatever condition you are they are watching you, even whatever condition you are in and you hundreds of demons want to avoid mischief. If you want to avoid their mischiefs and disadvantages? if you want that they don’t let accident happen to you, they don’t let mischief happen to you, they don’t let magic to you or may not be a part of magic and don’t let them be  magicians, then don’t tangle them and don’t encounter them, nor in abusive way neither by arguments and talks but ignore/take off them.     


Snake on Baby sheep and my salam:

I told this to a man he said: once I was going, I saw a baby sheep, a big snake is sitting on his back and playing with that baby sheep, when I saw it was a surprise for me, I tried to raise my hand towards a big piece of brick nearby but your advice came into my mind and I stopped, I left the piece of brick, I said him Salam and changed my way after saying Salam, next I saw a little baby/kid, snake is sitting in front of kid and he is playing with it, sometimes snake get wrapped around his neck, sometimes it turned around his arm, sometimes it turned around his arm and came back from his back to his chest, sometimes it came around his shoulder by turning around his neck , it turns around his legs by coming from the back.


This is the same game/thing:

Suddenly I realized that this is the same game, I said Salam and leaving the path I went further, I was traveling towards my town, I was walking along the canal bank, I had to reach my town and village, bus dropped me on the road It was two and a half kilometer distance along the canal bank. When I walked a little further the third incident happened that I surprisingly saw many frogs, there was a little puppy among them and the frogs are biting the puppy by jumping on it and the puppy is trying to run away here and there, he is screaming in his specific sound but can’t get away, all the frogs stop his way where ever he tries to run away, they become an obstacle to it then he runs back to his place, tries so hard but could not run away, any frog bites on his tail, some on puppy’s ear and some bites on puppy’s face.


A unique game of terror:

It was a unique game of horror that I was seeing but then I thought your advice and changed my path by saying Salam. Now I get frightened that what fourth incident would be happened to me? In this trouble I thought to go back but I thought that may those three incidents/events were not seen on the way and that thing may not try to harm me. I was in these thoughts when I saw a hunter coming in front of me. He had a gun in his hand and he would look at the tree and took aim (there are big trees on the canal bank) and then he fired gun but I didn’t see any bird falling, he has firing gung with all the skills. I felt happy that even I got to saw a man but I felt horror/ weird by seeing that man. Don’t know why I felt that this is another creature?

Don’t be scared! I am your friend:

I was lost in those thoughts that man unknowingly/ as a stranger passed by me but I said Salam to him when I said Salam to him he replied and called me by my name. When he called me by my name I wondered how this man came to know/ knows my name. I felt fear, tingling and anxiety/ restlessness. He put his hand on my shoulder and said with affection: don’t be afraid, I am your friend and loves you. Don’t be scared,


Fraud at Moti masjid and tasbeeh khana:

HazratAllama lahuti introduced Moti masjid for prayers, not for deception and cheating. Men, women are looting people there by telling themselves permitted by Hazrat Allama and Hakeem sahib. Please! Avoid the deception of these people. If you found someone like this do inform us through letters or by only texting on given no 0343-871009. But also spread this announcement to others so that no one will be hurt. Moreover don’t violate the rules of archeology. More: during lectures/ speech at tasbeeh khana some women show themselves as an agent from Hazrat Hakeem sahib that is no true at all.

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Prosperous life: whoever wants to spend prosperous life in this world one must try to do good deeds. (Franklin)

I am your that friend who came to you as a snake and sometime as a kid but you never encountered me, never teased me, you payed Salam, I like this gesture from you, now I came out as a hunter, I will not hurt you and whoever advised you must take that advise with you by taking this advice along with you will find success, progress/ development, prosperity and security, never encounter/collide and never confuse/just do your own job.


We jins are not so mad that

We jins are not so mad that collide with everyone, yes there are naughty jins among us as well who tease people for no reason, they oppress and tease but also said: there are such jins who do magic on people then he began to tell more: let me give you a present, I went with him, I got some courage, but had fear inside me, by going a little further he started digging the earth, by digging in depth in the earth he pulled out a small stone/piece of rock. Then he cleaned the stone and gave it to me, that stone was so bright and beautiful.


Never seen such a beautiful stone before:

I wondered by seeing that stone, I had never seen such a beautiful stone before. He said: take it along with you, I am giving you reward in return of your love and salaam. Whenever you wish to meet me rub this stone on your palm I will come and see don’t call me so much, my time is so precious, call me a little, I was listing him and was taking his everything seriously, I was feeling love and affection for that jin, a few moments earlier to whom I was afraid of, after a few moments I fell in love and affection with him then I kept that stone with me he tap my shoulder, said salaam and disappeared and hidden from mu sight. I stood there staring him for so long, searched him and at the end I kissed that stone, now I kept that stone with me, I have that stone with me un till now. I am bringing that stone in my life and I have made it and now whenever I want to call him (that particular person) he comes to me. In the way that I cannot imagine that and I love him, I just remember your one thing that you said that never encounter/ collide and never fight, never tease anybody, he may be a human or a jin. I took that thing and I always remember it.


Stop colliding/encountering in the walk of life:

Let’s stop  colliding in the walk of life, either they are humans or jins, I still remember that precious stone along with his advice, he started giving me the stone because I found it because of you, I said no it is your luck and destiny. It is for you keep it with you and always protect it. You will get so many benefits from it, that person is taking advantages of that until now, whenever he wants to call that  pious jin he calls him and jin appears. He told me the name of that jin and then arranged a meeting with him. His name is KAAMIL and he is so sophisticated, who holds the nobility, purity and truthfulness and surprisingly he is so loyal in his life.


I am a follower of truthfulness:

he began to say: I never teased anyone in my life, a human, jin or what so ever never betrayed anyone, never hurt anyone, I could stole the money which I found outside that people lost but I never theft, always I got an amazing peace, whenever I did a good deed, whenever I did something good and I felt that I am the follower of truthfulness.


An advise for all the humans:

I also advise you people and gives you the message that there are naughty jins, disasters strike, tease others but often they do so as a reaction I am witness of an incident of a family and I have seen so many incidents in my life. Music was the part of their home, after a few days stones started coming their home. Blood and water drops and stones everywhere, they called many people who burnt amulets, did supplications, neither amulets nor supplications worked out, at last they took more agents they slaughter three cows but got no relief/ but all in vain.


Jins get irritated/ annoying with your music:

At last that case came to me, I told them that whatever you are doing is wrong, you must come towards reforms by leaving everything and the only way to improve your life is to get rid of that music that makes them irritated/ annoys them. They understood it. They ended that music and kicked out from home. That was to leave the music they started getting peace, comfort and amazing blessings I their home, until now they have peace and that family has comfort we can also find/ get that comfort. (Continue)


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To read more mysterious incidents, and amazing supplications and previous episodes do read the book “jinnaat ka paidaishi dost”.


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