
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

3 feeds, Son shall be born certainly

Ubqari Magazine - January 2020

Stay soft: whoever does cruelty on you then stay soft, as clean heart as there are so many few hearts (Hazrat imam Shafi (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ)

Muhammad Arshad Phool Nagar

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Asslam o Alikum! it is my pray that may God  give you and your team health and fitness and make you able to serve sad people  even more and may you keep on getting people’s prayers. I came in November in Tasbeeh Khana Lahore in 2017. Got a chance to worship a lot after that I returned in January and February for getting Dum of Ism e Azam and there I got “oil of dum”.  I applied that oil under my ear on a budging gland. My gland finished.  On the head in between scalp and dandruff there used to grow something in the shape of a nail, it was also corrected.  There are many prescriptions of my father Hakeem Ghulam Muhammad Chishty (late) and out of these Iwould like to present just as a gift for the happiness of God so that people may benefit fromit.

Son as a child 99% successful prescription

Take feather of a pea cock the inside part which is in shape of an eye and glitters, Munaqa 6,  tabashar 3 masha  and powder  them a lot together when they are finally combined then add Munaqa  and make a tablet. After making three feeds take it along with milk of buffalo. A buffalo which has given birth to a male calf means to say she is mother of a male calf not of a female calf) have a feed every day. Do it for three days and by the grace of God, a son will be born next time. Whoever was given this feed it never went wasted. When a woman has been pregnant for two months then start from that day.  This is a gift of my spiritual mentor. This gimmick was given by spiritual mentor and after that my father kept on giving to people. Then he told me that it has been given to a lot of people and a son was born as a child. 99% times it is guaranteed. Punctuality of time and cow, calf’s is a must.

Laxative of a pee

My friend who works in Karachi as a gardener he had an issue plus he had kidney stone and after using this prescription, his kidney stone was also cured.  Prescription is like this jokhar, noshawar thekry, qalmi shora in same amount and then grind it and mix one bar of musk and use it.

Pain of Farting prescription

Pea chick one kilo , dry dates half quarter , almond seed  half quarter Chara maghz half a quarter , gril half a quarter, pistachio half a quarter now grind them together  and make a sweet and it will give relief  to pain in fart. (You can mix sugar or misri according to taste and make a mixture). This mixture was given to me by hakeem mehboob brother from Phero Pholnagar which got me ridden from fart pain. I got dum and medicine from various places and now I am healthy.

Beneficial for Chest diseases and healthy weaknesses.

Qist sweet, olive oil honey should be added together and get this mixture prepared. This mixture is by the grace of God 100 % guaranteed.

Piles and diabetes’s finishes, tasty prescription.

Take in the morning over empty stomach 7 seeds in evening 7 dates. Have at least 3 . People with diabetes’s should start with two seeds. It will benefit.

Headache or pain in joints do massage of oil. 

Camphor and chloral hydrate in same weight should be put in a glass of bottle and place in sunlight. After a few hours it will turn into oil. Headache, joints pain would be healed by massage.

Urine glands. Peel of reth 20 grams, kushta  hijr al yahood ,10 grams zero capsules should be taken with yogurt shake sweet or salty. It will benefit

Very powerful tea

Take straw of flour and should be warmed on disk. Green ilachi 10 grams, Janfal 10 gram, Sonth 10 gram should be powdered together and mixed with half a kilo milk and add a glass of water. Three big spoons of baked straw 3 grams now mix and boil a lot. Tea full of fragrance is ready.

Soup of bee root and get health

Mixture of beetroot should be cut and then mix water and put in a utensil and bake on light flame. When it is baked then according to taste add salt, spice, green coriander, white cumin and other spices should be sprinkled on it. Now eat with chapatti. Beet root half a quarter, lettuce, and one soup of white meat 10 small bowl.  Butter one spoon, vinegar according to need. Add black pepper as needed. Yogurt 6 table spoons, green coriander one pack, beetroot should be peeled, now pieces of lettuce and beetroot should be gartered. In steel utensil heat up pieces of beetroot and bake it for 10 minutes then add stew in it. Now all people of house should eat together.

 Winter old injury and pain

Respected readers!  Four years ago I fell from stairs; there was an injury on my foot. At that time it became ok, but every winter at the place of injury pain used to start.  Now it started to pain even in summer. I live at such a place where medicines are not easily available then someone told me this gimmick

ھو الشافی

Take old dry coconut and when I say old I mean its color should have changed. Sometime coconut also rotten, while being at home. .  Now powder this coconut with a kitchen mortar and mix a quarter of fine malmal cloth which should be old and then make a bag of these two things. Now warm up the bag on a disk and massage on the place of injury.  After five minutes now warm it again up to that level which is bearable and tie on place of injury. If you tie it in evening then open in morning. After opening it massage with salty water on spot of injury. By the grace of God, pain will be recovered. I tried this gimmick for a few days by the grace of God pain was recovered. Readers you should also try it and remember in pains.  (Um e hafza, Lahore)

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