
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Ubqari Magazine - February 2020

From the Pen of the Editor

State of the Heart

What I saw, heard and Thought

Meeting the Relatives Removed a Loan worth Millions 

Height of Poverty and Hardships! But He Would Serve His Mother and Serve His Wife

During the journey of pilgrimage, I met a person. Then that introduction kept on increasing. The direction of conversation changed to the topic that from where did his life start? He had humility in his temperament, there was no arrogance. Although he was extremely rich, a landlord and was quite famous in politics. But he had not forgotten poverty of his past life, his hardships. He said:

I had a general store in the colony where I lived in which I used to have a salary of 50-60 Rupees daily. I did that for a while. But I did not abandon my good treatment of my wife. Although I was very poor and destitute. Then in a textile mill of Karachi initially I was employed for 200 rupees and then 300 rupees monthly. In the remaining time I used to sell newspapers on bicycles. Daily sometimes I would sell 20 and sometimes 30 newspapers. From that I would save something for my pocket money. Then for five years I continuously sold ice on a stall. I used to sell ice for aana, 2 aanas, 4 aanas or 8 aanas. Then I made progress and in a company I got employed. Initially my salary was 4000 rupees monthly, then 5 thousand and then 7 thousand. There was an office in which I used to give ice for 8 aanas daily.

What A Strange Great Man He Is! The Thing That People Hide, He is telling that!!

He was telling these things and I was staring at him. And I was thinking alongside that people try to hide their climax, and they cover the stories of their lives. And everyone likes to say that I am wealthy since eternity and the son of a Sultan or a Nawab. But this man was telling the true realities of his life. And in my heart I was deeply admiring his story and I was thinking that what a great man he was! That he is not hiding his realities. And the same realities gave him heights and wonders, wealth and popularity. That person stopped for breathing and took notice of the surrounding environment and he started telling his story again. He said: I kept on studying during this time as well. I did FA, and then BA as well. I used to set a fruit cart in the winters. In the summers I used to sell ice. And for a while I was a store keeper too. Thus in my life I continuously kept on struggling, hardwork and effort. Sometimes, there used to be some issue between my mother and my wife, but I took care of both of them. I moved along with both of them. And I respected both of them. Hardships and poverty never allowed me to have a harsh tone. I always had a soft tone. But I moved along with the truth of life. Today I have plazas. I have plenty of business. I have wealth, respect, popularity and everything. I have the whole universe. But even today I have not forgotten my softness and my flexibility and this softness and flexibility are some things that I think are making my life wonderful.

Is It Brave to Fight With Women!

Readers! This is the story of that person whose appearance is ornate with climax and wealth. Nobody has seen its start yet. Everyone sees the end and becomes perplexed. Alas, I was like that. I had so many cars, house, respect, wealth, protocol and crowd around me. And I have wonder in every gathering. But not everyone finds this. And everyone cannot find this. Only the lucky and fortunate find it. But destiny and fortune are associated with mother and motherhood. Respect of mother, reverence and grace and motherhood, meaning love of the wife, softness and affection. I recalled the saying of an elderly person, he said: Is it even brave to fight with a woman? Come! We make a promise that no matter how tough the life is , no matter how oppressive the society is and forces us, no matter how hard, oppressive and cold blooded the world is, circumstances are grim, poverty surrounds us, poverty is ruling in our home, illnesses, pains, problems, despair, surround us from all over, but we shall not be afraid, neither we shall be hard or bitter. Rather we shall be extremely good natures, well mannered, graceful, and cold and sweet. Please remember! The good manners start from the house. Outdoors, everyone is sincere and sweet. The truth is learned in the house that whether this person is sincere, sweet or ill-mannered, and insolent. Just do this and achieve height, wonder, respect and wealth just like this man.

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