
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

From the Editor’s pen: State of the heart That I saw, heard and thought of.

Ubqari Magazine - Monthly Ubqari Magazine October 2020


From the Editor’s pen:


State of the heart

That I saw, heard and thought of.


Warning of Jinnat to Shaykh Ul Wazaif 


Why did you forget to ask for jinnat today? 


It was raining heavily in Lahore last night, it is the rainy season, I was sitting on my prayer mat and was making duas from Allah almighty by giving reference of the pledge of Holy Prophet.ﷺ

That it is narrated in hadith, during the time of rain, duas get accepted. The rain stopped at 3:30am, suddenly it occurred to me that I asked for myself, asked for the ummah of Prophet ﷺ and usually I do ask for jinnat as well, but this day I forgot. The incidents are such that a visitor or a patient was sitting in front of me, and suddenly jinnat came on them. I don’t claim that I have captured any jinnat are in obedience of me or I am the king of jinnats. But such incidents happen with a visitor or a patient and these incidents happen, and I hear and learn a lot from such incidents and matters.


Warning of Jinnat

Many times in a lot of various presence these jinnat have said to me, you do not pray for us, not even in dars and not even when you are alone and you do not tell others as well to pray for us. Are we not from the ummah of Prophet ﷺ?  Why do you forget us? One jinn said in a state of extreme anger said that if you don’t pray for us in your duas then we will stop coming to dars. And will also end communication with you. I was astonished, that even jinnat com to the dars as well?


Remember jinnat in your prayers as well.


 Readers! There is a great tribe from the ummah whose numbers exceed human beings. If we compare human beings and jinnat, jinnat are like mountains and the number of human beings are like that of a pebble. But Allah almighty has not called them the Highest of all creatures, but has called humans the Highest of all creatures. And the one who is best is high, he is big and the one who is big is responsible. He should keep an eye on the small ones, should take care of small ones. And should keep a check on the small ones and also ask about their wellness. Human beings are supreme than jinnat, so we should remember them in our duas.


We have to take every stratum of Ummah along with us!


I was sad that night because I didn't remember to ask for them in my dua. I was making dua for long time. For the ones who are living for the ones who are dead, those present and absent, for me, for my generations, for sincere people that walk with me on this path, for those who provide service, for whole Ummah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. For Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, non-muslims and for all stratums of muslims. But why? Why did I forgot about them? I am repeating again and again so I dont forget it the next time. You must have heard what a watchman says, stay awake, stay awake. In reality he is not asking you to wake up, but he himself wants to stay awake. In reality the words stay awake are a reminder to him. We have to take every stratum of this ummah along with us. The stratum of jinnat is also present in the love for, tolerance for and good intentions for everyone.


Come, let us light up the spirit, and remember!  And keep reminding!


In the population of jinnat, there are Muslims and non-Muslims. They are made of fire, they are made up of smoke. They all are from the ummah of Allah’s beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. We have to make them a part of our prayers as well. It will happen when we come out of the different classes and have good intentions for the whole ummah. Let us enlighten this spirit, remember it and keep reminding others as well.


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