
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Spiritual and Physical Queries of Readers, Answers by Readers Only

Ubqari Magazine - March 2016

Believe in Allah: Respected Readers Assalamoalikum! I am feeling ashamed while saying this but I am narrating the fact here that I get such thoughts like (Nauzubillah) Allah is not God of all of us and after getting such weird thoughts I am suffering from depression, there is no peace and for getting rid of such thoughts, suggest me any Amal. I will be thankful for whole my life. (J, SH)

Answer: Respected Brother! Your disease will be fine with your belief in Allah Almighty. 1. You should start recitation for some time till you are doing it by heart and do it with complete belief. Pray 5 times and do all this because Allah wants you to do this, do it in a way that the energy you need for the struggles in whole life, it the fuel of your energy and the breath of peace from the recitation and the prayer will come in your life. This is belief in your imagination. With the exercise of 2 days, you will get belief. Than perform prayer and recitation in a way that you are getting the strength practically. You will have to do hard work. You should call Allah with His names in a begging way and also read the translation with it as it will be more effective. Your inner person will be alive and the life will become easier. (J, R)

Get Rid of Sins:Respected Readers! I am the only son of my parents and I have 2 younger sisters. MY father has a shop and three years ago, I used to sit on the shop. At that time I used to get money from the shop and spend them on useless things but the amount was not that much. Due to this reason, my parents do not trust on me now and if my father is sitting with his money infront of my at the house and I am there than he counts the money again while keeping them in his pocket. I also come towards the sins very easily, Readers! Suggest me some solution that I could gain the confidence of my parents once again and all of my issues get resolve. (M, A, R)

Answer:  You should recite Do Anmol Khazana after every prayer and also recite Anmol Khazana all day without counting. InshAllah all of your issues will get resolved. (You will get Do Anmol Khazana from every book stall or Ubqari’s office), (Shakir Lahore).

Suffering from Mental Disturbance: I am suffering from mental disturbance and restlessness for last 10 years. There is plenty of disbelief and worrisome thoughts. It has become my habit to think anything all the time. In the state of ablution, there is disbelief all time, while praying there is also disbelief and annoying thoughts. All face and ears are full of freckles. I see black spots and months around my eyes. There are also physical and feminine diseases. I want to get rid of mental disturbance and freckles and want to stay happy all the time. (Z, Chakwal)

Answer: Respected Sister! You should recite Ayat Number 24 of Surah Qasas in ablution with abundance all day. Pray 5 times a day. Do morning walk in your house courtyard of roof with veil after Fajar prayer and breathe deeply. Give space to fresh vegetables and fruits on your dining place. Drink plenty of water. InshAllah in some times, your issues will start getting resolved. (Adnan Shah, Karachi)

Weakness and Infertility: Readers! My issue is that I am married for last 6 years but I have infertility, I was in bad company in my childhood due to which I am very weak. I am unable to give rights of my wife and due to which I am much worried. There are issues, fights and angriness in house for this reason. Readers! My house has become a hell and I am much worried, kindly suggest me any treatment of my disease as soon as possible. Thanks! (J, Kh, Lahore)

Answer: The exact and final solution to this issue is that your self determination is very weak and you should awake it which is a natural way. Controlling your thoughts and diverting attention is also beneficial. Try to avoid unnecessary meat and eat balanced diet. Try to make habit of any constructive hobby besides exercise and physical hard work. Try this remedy: take roasted chickpeas 1 kg, grind them and preserve in a jar. Take 3 table spoons at night with a glass of warm milk after one hour of meal with 2 spoons of honey in it. (Muhammad Azam Mughal, Laore)

Bad odor of feet: Respected Readers! I have an issue that I cannot wear closed shoes as when I open them and take my feet out of them than there is too bad odor from my feet and every one on room leaves the room. I wash my feet again and again but smell remains there. I am much worried due to this, kindly suggest me any effective remedy for this worry. (Aurangzeb, Multan)

Answer: Aurangzeb Bhai! Buy Maju of 20 Rs from any Pinsari. Maju is like round berries, grind them and make a mixture and fill them in medium sized capsules. Take a capsule in morning and one in evening with water. InshAllah, the smell from your feet will go away after 20 days. For instant solution, take a pinch of that mixture and sprinkle it in your shoes at morning time and use black socks to avoid marks on the socks. On getting benefit, pray for my parents. (Tariq Mehmood, Sahiwal)

Weak Eye Sight: Readers Assalamoalikum! I am 25 years of age and My issue is that my eye sight of looking far has become weak to 9 number and I am much worried due to this, kindly suggest me any remedy for getting rid of glasses or any Wazifa, it will benefit many others. (Akbar Ayaz, Gujranwala)

Answer: Huwalshafi: there is a special Halwa whose purpose is only to cure the weak eye sight. Kids and old ones every one can eat it as it is very delicious and good for brain too.

Ingredients: Carrots 1 kilos, Buffalos’ milk pure 1 litres, Desi ghee 150 grams, Misri according to taste, almonds 150 grams (sweet), Pistachios 150 grams, Kishmish 150 grams, Saffron ¼ tea spoon. Method: Cook carrots well in milk and dry them, then put Ghee and roast it and add all the nuts and dry fruits and divide it in small parts and eat 3 times in a day daily, it will make you free from glasses, will clear the complexion and also extend height

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