
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Allah’s mercy! One martyred of Pakistan Army and millions of enemies killed

Ubqari Magazine - September 2016

(Narration: Brigadier Nawazish Ali. Written by: Khalid Babar, Rawalpindi)

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sir Assalam-o-Alikum! My father has kept giving services in Pak army. He used to tell incidents of Islamic historical wars and Pak army with much interest. One of those incidents, I am telling to Ubqari readers! The Arab- Israel war of June 1967 was fought for total 6 days. In it damage was received by Urdan, Egypt, Iraq and Saudi Arab. 10 fighter airplanes of Pakistan’s air force went muddle east quickly to help Arabs, in supervision of Air-Marshal Noor Khan and got involved in defending plan. As the amount of army is grate and with materials, that’s why when Pakistan’s squad went to the battle field of Urdan and got settled in one sector so the war was stopped and the courage of enemy was increased. It now also used to do small attacks on many battle fields and gave damage but at the place where Pakistan’s army was settled, there it had made silence. Its meaning was not this that Israeli’s were afraid!!! Pakistan’s soldiers would just wish and sit that sometimes we would have fight with Israeli’s. But many months were passed in waiting. Nawazish Ali removed his whole brigade from front line (approximately 5000) and sent back till 12km and he came very near on boundary line and put 1 small tent. In which he himself and one two more soldiers started living with wireless operator. Israeli’s were able to see that tent from far and never clearly. If they wanted so they could blow these people in moments but the end of every work is from Allah جل جلالہ. The enemies were surprised on this that why are they doing like this. There intelligence got to know. Brigadier Sir himself mostly used to be present there with 1 soldier, day and night. Few days would have been passed that 1 major general of Israel, along with 4 soldiers came in the camp, in jeep. Brigadier Nawazish stood up and did him salute and he gave answer of salute. Then major general said like this: “Brigadier Nawazish! We have listened that Pakistani think themselves as big fighters? Nawazish: Yes, they think it right: Major general: So it’s alright. Tomorrow I will meet you in battle field. (He indicated towards nearby place). Nawazish: Ok, I will meet you here. He went after giving challenges. Brigadier Sir had done most of the preparation from before. One dry water course near boundary line, in which jeep could easily be drived, army sectors made position and sat there and some army units had to move forward in proper time, in form of semi-circle from left and right. Where there were empty attacking areas but no weapons were fixed there now. In front line, only the rangers of Urdan army were settled. It was a command to them that when there will be attack from enemy so, they shall fight for some time and then start moving back. This also plan was to be done on the area of 8 to 10km. next day, near 10 o’clock, one division of Israel (approximately 10 thousand) started moving forward. They were moving with very mechanized and excellent way and strange thing this that, that same major general was standing most front in jeep and with it machine gun was ready to fire anytime. Exact by reading on that place where he said to meet, he called “Brigadier Nawazish! Where are you?” Only from 100 meters, brigadier Nawazish took his head out from water coarse, did all fire from pistol and screamed! “I am here” and then quickly jumped and in jeep where driver was ready from before, inside the dry water coarse, drove very fast and took it 12km back. The rangers of Urdan fought for sometime then they started moving back according to the scheme but mostly in them were martyred. According to the plan, they weren’t given any fire from cannon house, now the whole division of enemy came inside till 9, 10km Pakistan's army coming from the sides; siege the enemy in the form of a circle. They were now in the barren land and there was no place to hide. Our soldiers had reached their height of patience. All of a sudden fully fledged war started. All kinds of small and large weapons were used and it was all clear in an hour. By almighty Allah's grace our only one soldier was martyred and 7 injured. Enemy's one thousand soldiers were killed and all the war accessories were spread out in miles. Their major general, who challenged, was also killed. After this Israel never dared to start a tussle with Pakistan army in this area and they still don't understand how an army division was wiped out so quickly. We Muslims can only believe this to be a sign from Almighty Allah that if the faithful are at war with the Jews, help can come so quickly. When president Ayub Khan wanted to give medal of bravery to brigadier Nawazish Ali for his bravery, he refused it, saying that, “I just made a scheme; the real work was done by the soldiers. If you want to give a prize, distribute it among the soldiers”.  Can you imagine? His benevolence, bravery and scheming!!!

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